Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Land Rights And Property Rights - 1006 Words

The topic I chose for our assigned is ‘property rights’. The property rights we will review are the intellectual property, industrial property, copyrights and property rights are human rights. This is of great interest to me with anything to do with property rights as they are, â€Å"arguably property rights are the foundations of all human rights.† (Wilson, T. 2015). There are so many laws that govern protecting the inventor, from the timeframe, to who has ownership of those rights. We are finding as our world becomes smaller, â€Å"protecting property is an important part of promoting the global trade. Property is classified as both physical and intellectual.† (Satterlee 2014). This also includes the copyrights, which are a form of intellectual†¦show more content†¦2014). Per the conventional wisdom the cost of copying someone else’s material should far exceed the cost of creating the material. Although there have been Intellectual Pr operty laws in place, there have been many piracy lawsuits, unfortunately, it has not slowed down or eliminated the piracy in music. The industrial property has become an organizational stake in the companies and it is also patent. Moreover, the interest has also focused more on specific issues such as the link between patents and technology transfer or the shape of what we refer to as patent systems. â€Å"In Japan, the historiography of the Japanese patent system was stimulated by commemorative works such as the three volumes of One Hundred Year History of the Industrial Property Rights System in 1984 and 1985. These were edited by the Japan Patent Office one hundred years after the introduction of the 1885 Patent Law. Beyond this commemorative perspective, in 2011 as volume in the series ‘History of International Trade and Industrial Policy’ gave an historical overview of Japan’s intellectual property policy. (Galvez-Behar, G., Nishimura, S. 2016). The industrial property right is just as important as the intellectual rights and should be protected as it is created using the human labor, which bring us to the next rights, the property rights as human rights. â€Å"The notion of human rights grew out of the idea that individuals had the right to own property, beginning no Less with the right to `own Show MoreRelatedHistorical Background Of English Law System1689 Words   |  7 PagesHistorical Background Fragmentation of land has been an ongoing phenomenon for many centuries and is backed by the notion of maximizing its potential utility, given its scarce nature. In the feudal system, one’s relationship to land is defined by their hierarchical position. The king stood at the top of the pyramid and ruled over all the lands, and would grant partial rights to the Lords. 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