Friday, February 21, 2020

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT LAW EXERCISE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT LAW EXERCISE - Essay Example As a Chinese girl in America, these are some of the laws that in my opinion are likely to protect me as an employee in future. The U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission link shows the different laws which focus on discrimination of a person, based n the person’s gender, race, nationality and other differences. There are several important things I learnt from these two laws. Title VII act of 1964, is a law that shows it is illegal to discriminate a person such as a potential employee on the basis of their cultural or religious backgrounds. It is a law that makes it unlawful for a person to even the score with another person who made a complaint on discrimination. According to EEOC, under the Pregnancy discrimination Act, it is prohibited from discriminating a woman because of childbirth and other medical conditions related to pregnancy (U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). Like the first law, it is against the law for a person to retaliate against a woman who complained of discrimination based on pregnancy related medical issues. Two most interesting things I learnt when exploring the site is that the Title VII law requires employers to accommodate an applicant’s religious practices which do not impose undue hardships on business operations. This is particularly interesting to me because I am a Buddhist and hope to have a future employer who will disapprove of me attending the major Buddhist holidays such as Vesak. It is interesting to learn that when I am employed in future I will have the chance to go for maternity and medical leaves without getting fired since in future I plan to raise a family and pursue my career at the same time. The two laws I reviewed connect to organizational justice in many ways. For example the Pregnancy discrimination Act focuses solely on specific triggers of unfairness perceptions (U.S Equal Employment

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